Stopsley Top Class Student

"Pupils enjoy plentiful opportunities for personal development. They flourish in a wide range of leadership positions, such as well-being and subject ambassadors. Ofsted 2022"

At Stopsley we Don't Just Pack Our Pencil Case

It is always a key priority to recognise and celebrate a student’s achievements within school and beyond. The Top Class Student rewards scheme is an integral part of every child’s journey at Stopsley.

Students’ achievements are recognised through the four strands of our system and run throughout each academic year. Top Class Student provides individual and personal target setting opportunities for every student.

Each term students have the chance to reach Top Class Student status, and receive a pin badge. Students begin with a bronze badge, and can level up through silver to gold.

The central rewards system runs through every curriculum area. The focus is upon positive behaviours and achievement points are added by staff to recognise when students display characteristics of the four key areas that make up a Top Class Stopsley student.

Top Class Student


A Stopsley Top Class Student’s Conduct demonstrates they are polite and respectful, are punctual, are prepared for the school day, and endeavour to present both themselves and their work to the highest standard.


A Stopsley Top Class Student’s Community demonstrates they are a valued member of the Stopsley community through their commitment to the school values of ambition, endeavour and success.


A Stopsley Top Class Student’s Attitude demonstrates they are focussed and ready to learn new concepts embrace challenge as a learning opportunity and always try their best recognise feedback is an opportunity to reach your peak.


A Stopsley Top Class Student’s Attendance demonstrates they are committed to attending school every day and reaching a minimum  Stopsley good attendance rate of 97%.

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Bronze, Silver, Gold

Top Class Rewards

Stopsley Sun Bear Trail

Embark on the Stopsley Sun Bear Trail, a delightful adventure featuring eight hidden sun bear sculptures throughout Stopsley. Each bear holds a unique clue; find them all by scanning their QR codes. For more information, visit the SBT Page

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